There are several meaningful reasons to work with a product development partner. Complexity is obviously the first one. A strong working knowledge of effective UX design is number two. And lastly, you need a full-service development partner who is capable of not only helping out with mobile strategy, but also with pre-release testing to ensure your customers have an excellent experience.
I am going to tell you something that you already know: All of us want our software development projects to succeed. So the real question is this; How do we know if we are leading our teams to a successful outcome? Better yet, how do we know what kinds of management "best practices" should we avoid?
Read More"A majority of companies say lack of access to software developers is a bigger threat to success than lack of access to capital." - According to Will Gaybrick's highly-circulated article, featured on CNBC. Here are 11 tips to help you hire amazing software developers.
Read MoreFinding extremely talented software developers who also have a high level of emotional intelligence can be a daunting task. If you manage a software development team, then you know this all too well. You might even find yourself putting up with negative behaviors and lousy employee attitudes for far too long, all because you don't want to go through the long, drawn-out process of finding a talented java developer that fits both your company's IQ and EQ.
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